Attention: New Jersey (NJ) and New York (NY) Residents Looking For Natural, Holistic or Alternative Healthcare that’s proven to work…

Are You Paralyzed By Stress, Anxiety & Poor Health but Don't Know What To Do?

Rapidly Gaining Weight, Fatigued, Problems Sleeping and Don’t Know Why?

Suffering From Mysterious Health Issues Your Doctor Can’t Seem To Figure Out or Want To Address A Health Issue Naturally?

You Need A Naturopath (aka. Functional, Holistic, Natural or
Alternative Doctor) & Clinical Nutritionist To Investigate
What Ails You Through A Potent Mix of Scientific and
Holistic Treatments So You Can Start Getting Better In
Just 14 Days Or Less!

Are you finding that your health problems keep piling up on top of each other as you age?

Do you suffer from things like:

  • Debilitating stress, anxiety, depression, panic attacks, low energy, or acne…
  • Inflammatory & Auto-Immune Conditions like arthritis (rheumatoid and osteoarthritis), Sjögren’s syndrome, lupus, Hashimoto’s, Graves disease, Celiac, and others
  • A faulty or broken digestive tract (heartburn, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, gas/bloating, IBS, colitis, crohns, acid reflux, GERD, or (gluten sensitivity)
  • Skyrocketing blood sugar (pre-diabetic or diabetic), cholesterol levels, or hypoglycemia (low blood sugar)
  • Fading energy levels, adrenal burnout, thyroid problems, fatigue, insomnia, or other sleep problems
  • Problem Skin issues like acne, eczema, shingles, dermatitis, rosacea, psoriasis, etc.
  • Worsening liver, kidney and heart problems that have you terrified
  • Are your children dealing with ADHD/ADD, autism, constant colds and flu, allergies, asthma, digestive issues, ear infections and more
  • A rapidly ballooning waistline, unexplained weight gain, a slowing metabolism
  • Any other potential health problems …

If any of these symptoms describe you or your family, then it’s critical that you read on…

Because each and every one of these are surefire signs that you NEED a naturopath (aka. holistic/alternative medicine or natural health doctor) using a potent mix of scientific and holistic therapies to determine what ails you AND how to fix it…

…so you can start feeling better — and usually in just 14 days or less!

I’ll Discover The Hidden Clues That Most Medical Doctors Don’t Know Where To Look When It Comes To Identifying The Cause Of Your Health Problems

Naturopathic_Doctor_HeadshotHi, my name is Robert Galarowicz ND, and I’m a Naturopath (aka. functional, naturopathic doctor), Clinical & Holistic Nutritionist who is an expert in natural health sciences and I have been practicing full time in NJ for over 10 years. I have helped HUNDREDS of people from New Jersey and New York area improve their health through holistic, natural and nutritional therapies and I’m positive I can do the same for you…

I’ve also been featured in various major newspapers and news outlets such as the Bergen Record, Herald News, Asbury Press, WebMD, as well as Google and Yahoo News as an expert in natural & holistic health and nutrition.

I’ve published over 15 books on numerous health topics, and I’ve taught countless classes at schools and hospitals. Some of my protocols are even used by other medical clinics to resolve or improve complicated health problems naturally

But more importantly, I’ve been EXACTLY where YOU are right now…

Sick, tired, feeling miserable inside, and all but ready to give up on your health…

How Me Almost Dying Inspired Me To Become A Naturopath, Nutritionist & Holistic Healer

While most medical professionals you encounter have NEVER suffered the kind of problems you’re forced to confront …

Not me.

You see, not only did I suffer from constant colds, allergies, asthma, anxiety and depression throughout most of my childhood and well into my adult life..

I experienced TOTAL kidney failure and was forced to have a kidney transplant at age 24…

It was by far the WORST and MOST HORRIBLE period of my life…

I even had to undergo dialysis (which was downright awful)… and the side effects of fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and more …

It was truly traumatizing…

And there were days where I honestly didn’t think I was going to make it…

But somehow, I survived and was lucky enough to have a kidney transplant and a second chance at life … But what most people don’t know is a kidney transplant lasts 7 to 11 years on average. So, I began studying everything I could to help myself which led me to nutrition, holistic/natural medicine.

And I made a promise to myself:

I was going to learn how to help other people like ME who were suffering from nasty and horrible health problems.

I KNEW that I needed to pursue an education in naturopathy, the natural health sciences, clinical & holistic nutrition so that I could help people like YOU (and like me) to overcome their debilitating health problems…

Nowadays, I use a potent mix of scientific and holistic, alternative therapies to help people in the New Jersey and New York area:

  • Lose lots of excess body fat and shrink their waistlines
  • Alleviate their depression, anxiety, and panic attacks
  • Drastically reduce inflammatory conditions
  • Regain control over their blood sugar levels
  • Restore their fading energy levels and eliminate sleep problems
  • And much much more …

And I’ve been able to do all this for my many, many clients over the years because I discover the hidden clues your body holds about what’s causing your health problems that most doctors don’t know.

Have a look and see for yourself and see what some of my past clients have to say:

“I had out of control blood sugar and couldn’t stop my cravings for bad foods. Dr. Robert gave me a realistic diet I could follow along with a few supplements to help my body. Now my blood sugar is perfect and my food cravings are gone. I also lost some weight.”
-Sheila T, Nurse, NJ


“My boyfriend went out and signed me up to see Dr. Robert, knowing how debilitating my depression had become. I was skeptical, because anything I’d ever tried in the past that promised relief never worked.

“I was really surprised at what Dr. Robert told me. I had no idea the negative effects my habits were having. I couldn’t believe that in just one week I was feeling so much better!”
-Kathy Nates, CityGardens, Long Island, NY


“Since I started working with Dr. Robert I haven’t had a flare up of my ulcerative colitis.”
-Samantha Bakers

As you can see, I work with a wide variety of clients who suffer from every possible health problem imaginable. And the reason I’m able to enjoy so much success is because I use an unbelievably thorough investigation to get to the root cause of the issue.

Here’s How I’ll Find Out Exactly What’s Causing Your Health Problems

When you come in to see me at one of my two offices, we’ll go through a detailed and exhaustive assessment to cover absolutely everything.

Here’s exactly what will happen:

  • You’ll complete a 78-question, diet, symptom and lifestyle analysis that will point me to specific nutritional insufficiencies or deficiencies, blood sugar imbalances, exposure to dangerous toxins, chronic inflammation, digestive imbalances, food sensitivity screening and more.
  • I’ll conduct an interview with you while I review any recent blood or lab work (from a naturopathic, nutritional and environmental viewpoint) you’ve had done (even if your family doctor said everything “looks fine”) Most doctors view blood work from an illness and disease viewpoint. I analyze the same blood work, but from a holistic position.
  • I’ll perform a thorough physical exam to check your blood pressure, heart rate, adrenal gland function, iridology, muscle response testing, plus an examination of your scalp, ears, eyes, nails, skin, and tongue, as they can all reveal more hidden insights about the root cause of organ stresses and imbalances, inflammation, nutritional deficiencies, and more.
  • As part of the physical exam, I’ll also perform a bioelectrical impedance metabolism test used to examine your body composition, hydration, muscle mass, bone density, metabolism (which can also reveal signs of dysfunction and why you don’t lose weight) and more …
  • Next, I’ll examine a urine sample you provide for over 11 different markers, including: liver and kidney stress, infections, hydration levels, Vitamin C levels, ketones, pH (Acid/Alkaline) levels, urine glucose, and more
  • After that, I’ll perform biofeedback testing which provides valuable information about the state of your nervous system, heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV), coherence and more, to find out just how much emotional and physical stress is affecting your nervous and body’s systems
  • A variety of take home and in office tests as needed (metabolic temperature test, food elimination testing, etc)
  • Finally, you’ll provide a saliva sample which I’ll examine under the microscope for the presence of Candida/Yeast & Gut Imbalances.

I can also perform several more tests (if applicable to your case), including:

  • Hemoglobin A1C (3 month marker for blood sugar)
  • Glucose test, as well as a non-fasted glucose test
  • Cholesterol test, total, ldl, triglycerides and hdl
  • Saliva pH (so you can have both urine AND saliva pH tested)
  • Free radical and oxidative stress (cell damage) testing
  • Visual Contrast Sensitivity Aptitude (tests for the presence of neurotoxins and mold)

Additional Testing

Is there a test you’d like performed or I may recommend, but don’t see it on the list above …

There is a whole host of additional tests that aren’t included in my standard package that I’m more than happy to perform for you (at additional cost). If you’d like to take a look at all the other test I can do for you, just click the link below to review the list:

Click here to visit my Additional Testing page now

The Detailed, Thorough, “Sherlock Holmes”
Style Investigation You Deserve
(That You Can’t Find Anywhere Else)

Have you ever had performed this kind of detailed, thorough, “Sherlock Holmes” style investigation into the condition of your health before?

When you leave your doctor’s office, do you walk away with a densely-packed binder FILLED with pages of personally customized recommendations on everything from lifestyle changes, dietary interventions, menu, snacks and recipes with a customized individualized healing supplement protocol (vitamins, herbs, nutraceuticals), a possible detox, weight loss program, simple lifestyle recommendations, additional insurance covered testing, all the way to information on stress reduction and how it can help your specific condition?

Sadly, for most of my clients, the answer is no.

Because, let’s face it…

Most medical doctors are focused strictly on having as many patients into their schedule as they possibly can, and nothing more. And their just not taught how diet, nutrition, lifestyle, vitamins, herbs and supplements can impact your health. They just don’t teach that in medical school.

So it comes as no surprise that, in the absence of a medical emergency, they’re unlikely to go out of their way to gain a deeper understanding of the issues that could be plaguing your health (even if it’s been ongoing for decades).

Which is why so many of you are left feeling (and even CONVINCED in some cases) you’re “broken” and can’t be fixed…

Until they come to me and we drill down to figure out exactly what it is that ails you and is causing your health problems.

Here’s what just a few of my previous clients had to say about my comprehensive holistic approach to health and medicine:

“Hello Dr. Robert,
Thank you so much for helping me. Anxiety has been a big part of my life for many years. Working with you was very informative. You went into great detail of so many options for this illness. I have learned now how to control it much better. Previously when I would feel the anxiety coming on I would run from it, now when it rarely comes I can control it. I have also learned to relax more which I found so hard to do before.”

Yours Sincerely,

B. Rothwell
New Jersey


“The new diet and the couple supplements did great for my stomach pain, dizziness and winter blues. Thank you.”

Celia Varnook
Ho Ho Kus, NJ
New Jersey


“Yesterday – 10 weeks on your program – cholesterol down over 80 points – blood pressure back to normal – weight down 26 pounds – all with no medication. Thanks for giving me a sense of power and choice.”
Norton Slyer., New Jersey


“I started feeling pretty good within three days and in two weeks I felt great. When I spoke to my doctor, he couldn’t believe that after a year of working with him I got improvement so fast from my colitis working with Dr. Rob. I thought I would never get rid of my on and off diarrhea and constipation. Thank you so much.”
-Emily Litz
Kingsland, NJ

Allow Me To Examine The Evidence Your Body Is Hiding With My Rigorous, Investigative Holistic/Naturopathic Analysis To Get To The Bottom Of Your Health Problems Today

I want to help you eradicate the underlying cause of your health issues so that you can get back to living life the way you used to, and spend more time doing the things you love to do.

So allow me to examine the evidence your body is hiding with my rigorous and investigative holistic analysis so we can get to the bottom of your health problems TODAY.

Remember each and every examination we’ll perform when you come in to see me:

  • 78-question general health form
  • An interview with detailed blood and other lab work review
  • Holistic heart analysis testing
  • Adrenal Gland function
  • Muscle response testing & Iridology
  • Naturopathic ears, eyes, scalp, hair, nails, and skin exam
  • Urine test for over 11 different markers (including Vitamin C)
  • Bioelectrical impedance metabolism test
  • Biofeedback nervous system assessment
  • Saliva test for the presence of Candida/Yeast & Gut Imbalance
  • Hemoglobin A1C, Glucose, Blood Analysis, Free Radical & Oxidative Stress Test
  • Saliva pH, and Visual Contrast Sensitivity Aptitude test (if applicable) and more assessments and testing as needed …

Now, if you were to attempt to get your medical doctor to sign off on these holistic alternative tests, let alone perform them all for you, you’d probably be stuck spending months going from appointment to appointment (because they’d never be willing to spend the time needed to perform all these tests or even know what many of them are and how they can help your health), and waste precious time and energy, not to mention have to deal with getting the runaround at every possible turn and spending lots and lots of money.

But instead, you can come to see me at one of my two offices and have each and every one of these detailed examinations (that you NEED to identify the cause of your health problems) done all at once.

No fuss, no stress, and no hassle.

One single visit (or split into two visits if you have complicated health issues) and you could be speeding along on your way towards:

  • Eliminating your weight control problem (and getting rid of dangerous visceral -bad- bodyfat)
  • Getting your blood sugar and cholesterol finally back under control
  • Alleviating the paralyzing effects of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings
  • Dramatically reduce the severity of your inflammatory conditions like arthritis, lupus, or Hashimoto’s
  • Healing your digestive tract and gastrointestinal system to restore healthy bowel function
  • Restoring your plummeting energy levels, eliminating fatigue, and curing your sleep problems once and for all
  • Minimizing the impact of your children’s health problems
  • Address any other health issue with a comprehensive strategy guaranteed to get results

And the best part is that all these tantalizing, life-changing benefits can be yours for a small investment of just $195-280 when you purchase one of my consultations.

By comparison, you’ll find most of my competitors charge upwards of $600 for packages like this. That’s why so many of my clients are surprised, sometimes even SHOCKED at just how affordable my services are – even if you’re on a limited budget.

When you stack it up against the thousands of dollars in medical bills, countless hours spent agonizing over your health, and HUGE decrease in your quality of life that can be brought on by the presence of these health problems…

It really is a simple choice…

Now, if you’re ready to get back control over your health and medical care from the FOR-PROFIT healthcare system and work with me, you’ve got two choices:

Now, if you’re ready to get back control over your health and medical care from the FOR-PROFIT healthcare system and work with me, here’s what you should do!

Book your comprehensive appointment right now

You can fill out the form below and click submit, call 201-728-4539 or call/text 201-618-3534, or email me at to book your initial comprehensive consultation RIGHT NOW.

You won’t be billed until after your initial visit, which will determine the total cost, depending on how much time we spend together, up to a maximum of $280. You’ll be able to sleep easy knowing you’re in safe and experienced hands, and your health problems are about to improve.


I Wish I Could But ... I Can’t Help Everybody

The truth is that my services are not for everyone.

Because I specialize in improving and managing health conditions naturally, I simply can’t afford to work with someone who isn’t willing to make an effort and make some changes to their lifestyle.


If you are ready to take ACTION, make a few changes then read on so we can get to work on restoring your health right away…

My 14-Day “Feel Better” Guarantee

To eliminate any risk, I’m offering you my Rock Solid 14-Day “Feel Better” Guarantee. If you don’t start feeling better after visiting me and following my recommendations for the first 14 days, then just contact me and I’ll refund your entire purchase, no questions asked. It’s that simple.

How can I offer this guarantee, you ask?

Because after working with so many clients over years and years and years, I’ve figured out what works. I know how to address each and every sign, symptom, and condition I’ve listed here for you today. And if I don’t think I can help you I will let you know.

So if even just one of them described your situation, you’re most likely guaranteed to feel better in just 14 days (usually) of seeing me and following my recommendations.

How Long Can You Really Afford To Keep On Like This?

You’ve got to ask yourself…

How long can you really afford to keep on like this?

Because the truth is you deserve better.

You deserve to live a long, happy, and healthy life.

And that’s exactly what I want to give back to you….

So book your comprehensive appointment right now and come in to see me as soon as possible. It could be the turning point that adds years of happiness and good health back on to your life.

And the truth is you’ll need to contact me RIGHT AWAY, because my schedule due to demand for my services, my teaching and speaking schedule books up fast …

As a matter of a fact, as of today, I’ve got just few openings left in my schedule, so if you take action right now and contact me immediately, you’ll be able to reserve one for yourself…

I guarantee that coming to see me is a decision you won’t regret.

Yours in tremendous, vibrant, and exuberant health,


Robert Galarowicz, ND
Naturopath & Clinical Nutritionist
501 North Avenue
Wood-Ridge, NJ 07075

2nd Office
Robert Galarowicz ND
Ramsey Office Court
900C Lake St, Ste 1
Ramsey, NJ 07446

P.S. If your health is already suffering, how many years of “good health” do you really have left? How long will it be before these issues begin to take over your life completely? Come in to see me right away so you can put a stop to it and say goodbye to the futility of convincing your medical doctor to examine you with the rigorous and highly-detailed investigation and analysis you deserve. Book your comprehensive package now so we can restore you to an optimal state of health now.

P.P.S Looking for more information or to have your questions answered? Fill out the form below with your name, phone number, and email, and I’ll contact you as soon as possible.

Fill out the form below and click
submit, call 201-728-4539 or call/text
me at 201-618-3534 or email me at